Sunday, 10 April 2016

It's Up to Me Indeed: Bits from the Training for Trainers 'It's Up to Me 3'

© Ayhan Feraset 'Getting ready for 
the group photo'
This is a story about an inspiring 7-day learning-by-doing experience that happened in a picturesque little village Diepenau, in considerably Northern part of Germany in the beginning of March 2016. I'm speaking about a training course for trainers 'It's Up to Me 3' that gathered 35 young and energetic participants from 7 countries, namely from Norway, ItalyMacedoniaSpain, Latviathe Netherlands and Germany willing to become inspiring trainers and learn new things about trainer's realities, exchange ideas and passions, form new friendships and obtain new contacts, as well get to know committed organisations and individuals that could become their partners in developing and implementing future projects, and also learn new things about different cultures. Moreover, the cultural diversity represented in the training course was beyond the 7 countries that officially took part in this training course - as such the colorful support team consisted of individuals coming from Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia, two shadow-trainers coming from Croatia and Estonia and even more colorful team of trainers coming from Romania, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and even the U.S.