Thursday, 13 July 2017

'EU - To Be or Not To Be': The Big Question We Tried to Find an Answer To During an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Syke, Germany

'Global Village at Bremen's Central Station'
© NaturKultur e.V.
My most favourite summer activity is to attend interesting events, especially those with a strong international flair. For that matter, I had the honour to be the Dutch group leader at an international youth exchange 'EU - To Be or Not To Be' organized by NaturKultur (and thanks to Erasmus+ financial support) that took place in Syke (Bremen area), Germany from 12th to 21st June (2017). The youth exchange gathered together around 40 young people from 7 countries, namely Italy, Greece, Hungary, Romania, the Netherlands, Czech Republic and Germany (plus unofficially Croatia  and Montenegro - since the project coordinator and the main facilitator Slobodan was (and still is) originally from Montenegro and the two volunteers that cooked amazing food the whole week were (and still are) Croatian. I'm not even mentioning 1 Russian, 3 Turkish and 2 Latvians (that includes me) among the participants that just majorly serves as a living proof of 'free movement in Europe' in its full action). Important to notice, the choice of participating countries for this international youth exchange was not made randomly, as the event tried to gather countries that represent both extremes - EU supporters and skeptics. So what did we learn and discuss this week? Is there a common European future? Read on to learn more...