Sunday, 5 November 2017

Learning Bits from the TC 'Flourishing Youth' about Positive Psychology in Youth Work

© Monica Mano 'Practicing Effective 
Ways of Memorizing Names'
This is a story about a rather unique training course 'Flourishing Youth: Positive Psychology in Youth Work' (under Erasmus+) organised by Anatta Foundation [NL]  that took place at the end of September 2017 in the Arboretum Prandi, located in a charming little Northern Italian town Sale San Giovanni. It gathered together inspiring group of people working with youth, i.e. youth workers, high school teachers, young activists and academics from Germany, Slovenia, Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom (more specifically from Wales) and Italy (and a volunteer from Finland), interested to collectively explore the concept of positive psychology, exchange experiences in the youth work, present specific cases and collectively find solutions using positive psychology, create new friendships and contacts for future collaborations and much more. And here is a small overview of this exciting learning journey we took together...