Thursday, 23 February 2012

Let the Party Begin... Carnival Days in the Netherlands.

It's great to realize that the carnival tradition in the Netherlands is treated as something very usual and a way to create yourself a little celebration in the middle of February by participating in such a massive activity. Yes, in the Netherlands it was really a celebration weekend. In total four days of parading and partying. One of the most famous carnivals in the Netherlands is held in Limburg area, particularly in Maastricht, but other towns and cities are as impressive with their carnival shows. Though it is said that in the North of the country the carnival is not so popular [well, they don't know what they are missing though]. However, I'm in the sort of South and I had a chance to experience two local parades - one in a medium-size village Horssen, and other in a small town Druten, which is nearby.
© Marta Podniece
Here it comes, the party is just about to begin. I see a lot of tractors and decorated podiums, they all are going to march today, they all are going to impress the public with their costumes (and sometimes the sub-idea, hidden underneath). I hear loud music coming closer and closer, the public on my and the opposite side of the street seems more and more excited, awaiting the on-going party to pass them [though nobody from the public really joins the parade]. And here they come - usually in groups, dressed preferably the same way as if they would be presenting a certain idea as a group. Themes really vary. I'm not really surprised by a farmer/cattle theme, as it's something very Dutch and I can notice this theme is used more than once by the marchers of the carnival. More creative, but still  a Dutch thing seems "Silent Disco" theme. I can see some popular consumer items as well, basically addressed to the youngest audience [as they're the public, which is enjoying this activity the most, whether they're watching or participating in it] - marchers dressed like pieces of Lego or in 'Kikker' costumes [a Dutch cartoon about a Frog]. One of my favorite themes though is the interpretations of the economic crisis that has taken the world and particularly a presentation of Greece with a Euro coin, trapped in a cradle [that looks like a Hellenic column] and contestants dressed up like Greek gods and philosophers. The presentation is accompanied with Greek traditional music in the background [Hello, the typical stereotypes!?]. As the Netherlands is a country, where monarchy still exists [thanks to tax-payers' money, I guess], a lot of marchers chose to be princes or princesses, though it leaves me a bit ignorant after I see already fifth group dressed up the same way.
© Marta Podniece
The most impressive costumes for me seem to be those, where I see that a lot of effort and creativity has been put in the whole preparation and performance of the marching group. Some teams dance on the street, the music, accompanied by each group is usually Dutch folk or dance music, so that the audience if not singing along, can move their bodies too on one of these refreshing days of February. Luckily in Druten the day is sunny, so it is more pleasant to watch the performances.
Basically it's a party for families [it's not rare and unusual to see mums marching together with their kids], young people [a chance to drink beer and feel the party spirit]. There's a tradition that contestants of the carnival throw candies into public, so therefore the most enthusiastic kids can really get a lot of candies! [I tell this, as I see three full boxes of candies at home by the end of the carnival days]. It's indeed a great solution for brightening up the gray days of February with some bright colors...

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